
Providing Hope and Love


Services & Programs

ABA therapy programs also involve therapists, or registered behavior technicians (RBTs). These therapists are trained and supervised by the BCBA.

Behavior Support

Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA):

A Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) will meet and interview the parent(s) or caregiver(s), and observe the child or individual. Behavior assessments identify behavior patterns and the reason for particular behaviors. Through observation, testing, and evaluation, the BCBA determines proactive and reactive strategies to help move toward positive change in behavior. Based on evaluation and intensity of need, recommendation of service(s) will be provided. The BCBA conducts an FBA to determine the environmental variables that affect and maintain the problematic behavior(s), and develops an individually-tailored effective behavior intervention plan to transform identified behaviors.

Some of the assessment tools used are:

  • Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS)
  • Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment & Placement Plan (VB-MAPP)
  • Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales

Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)

If your child is struggling to learn, through the use of DTT (a teaching method based upon the principles of ABA), our clinicians can teach skills by breaking them down into smaller and teachable parts until mastered. DTT also allows us to set clear expectations for your child, and can be used across a variety of skills, including teaching language, play, and self-help skills. DTT is a systematic approach that allows for repeated practice, utilizing prompts, and maximizing reinforcement to maintain motivation for successful outcomes.

Because each child presents unique skill sets, programs are individualized for each child’s needs and the type of teaching approach will be based upon the individual’s needs.

Verbal Behavior Teaching

If your child is exhibiting difficulty with communication skills, Applied Verbal Behavior (AVB) can be an extremely beneficial approach to teaching language. Our clinicians are trained in VB methodology, which is based on the basic principles of ABA, to address language deficits.

Because each child presents unique skill sets, programs are individualized for each child’s needs and the type of teaching approach will be based upon the individual’s needs.


 One-on-one individualized center-based LASSEN ABA services focusing on early learning, communication skills, social skills and independence.

25-40 hours per week, Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-12:30PM and/or 12:30-4:30PM


One-on-one center-based services that model a classroom setting to assist with the transition to kindergarten. We focus on following group instruction, building independence and developing social skills. 

15-25 hours per week, Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-12:30PM and/or 12:30-4:30PM


LASSEN ABA offers school consultation to support schools with meeting the needs of their students and providing them with an appropriate education.

Services include:

  • Functional Behavior Assessments

  • Development of Behavior Intervention Plans

  • Development and supervision of ABA programs for students with autism

  • Coaching for teachers and paraprofessionals on specific students


Our parent support groups are designed to allow parents to have a safe space to vent, share ideas, experiences and resources.


LASSEN ABA offers professional development and in-service trainings to educational and community mental health agencies. Some trainings include:

  • Verbal Behavior

  • Functional Communication

  • Establishing Instructional Control

  • Social Skills Training

  • Functional Behavior Assessments

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

LASSEN ABA can provide many of the answers you are looking for. Our team of experienced and dedicated healthcare professionals understands the cycle of autism diagnosis and treatment, and coordination of care—through discharge and beyond. We use current research regarding standards, best practices, treatment, supervision, and follow-up procedures that meet industry-wide requirements.
The key to effective treatment is early intervention. The earlier treatment begins, the more likely it is that the outcome will lead to success in navigating the challenges an individual with autism faces. But no matter the age at the start of services, gains will be made.  Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is based on scientifically proven methods, peer-reviewed research, and well-established principles of learning, and is an evidence-based treatment for individuals on the autism spectrum.  But the story doesn’t end there. Treatment works best when administered in a warm, caring environment that doesn’t ignore each child or young adult’s need for kindness, humor, and joy to help them become motivated. At LASSEN ABA, we treat the whole person and recognize that many children and young adults on the spectrum may have gifts and abilities and that proper treatment can help them make use of their gifts.


LASSEN ABA  parent training program is designed to help you understand and participate in your child’s skill development. Training will provide you with confidence and understanding on how to implement the skills taught in your child’s individualized treatment plan.

Behavior Management

LASSEN ABA offers therapy to build skills and to decrease
maladaptive behaviors that may prevent your child from
learning or interacting socially.

Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s syndrome is generally considered to be “high-functioning” autism.  Asperger’s is no longer an official diagnosis separate from autism spectrum disorder. Many people with Asperger’s have unique talents and abilities that benefit them as an individual and positively contribute to the larger society.  Our well-balanced treatment program recognizes these gifts, fosters them, and allows the person to thrive while supporting them to be the person they can be. LASSEN ABA treatment for Asperger’s addresses perspective taking, social skills, self-management; coping skills and emotion regulation. We meet the unique needs of those who fall on this end of the spectrum through individualized behavior therapy, social skills groups, group therapy, or individual counseling. The particular therapeutic path taken depends upon your age and unique goals.

Behavior Disorder

Disruptive behavior disorders are among the easiest to identify of all coexisting conditions because they involve behaviors that are easily observed such as tantrum behavior, physical aggression such as attacking other children, excessive opposition, stealing, and other forms of defiance or resistance to authority. These disorders, which include 

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) often first attract notice when they interfere with school performance or family and peer relationships, and frequently intensify over time.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD & ADD)

ADHD & ADD can impact the lives of children, teens, and adults, particularly in the areas of attention, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. For some, it may mean difficulty following through with tasks, and for others it may lead to disruptive and defiant behavior, affecting relationships with family members, peers, and teachers. LASSEN ABA behavioral approach to treatment involves teaching increased attention, self-management, emotion regulation, and coping skills. No matter at what age, a behavioral approach to managing relationships, school, and work will teach strategies to cope with deficient areas, while highlighting individual talents that lead to more fulfilling lives.

Anxiety Disorders

If you are experiencing social anxiety or OCD symptoms, LASSEN ABA can help. Whether you are interested in individualized behavior treatment or one of our therapy groups, we offer a proven behavioral approach to anxiety and OCD that will help you take control of your thoughts and actions and will lead a more satisfying life—where you are in control. Social Anxiety can interfere with maintaining and fostering friendships and relationships. It may affect the ability to work, do well in school, and impact many areas of everyday life. A recurring cycle of fear and avoidance often leads to depression.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

While all children will display some type of defiant behavior throughout their growing years, children suffering from ODD will display such behaviors much more commonly than that of any other type of behavior. For these kids, it can seem like nothing can be done to make them happy. These children will not only do things to purposely cause conflict or to purposely provoke the people around them, but they will oftentimes place the blame on others.

There is some overlap in symptoms in ODD between children and adults. Adults with ODD also struggle with authority. They may feel a general sense of anger toward the world as well.

Motor Delays

Physical therapy is designed to meet each client’s specific needs and conditions (related to genetic, neurological and orthopedic disorders) to reach his or her appropriate developmental milestones, and work to develop beneficial exercises, therapy and experiences. Through the therapy, each client is challenged to explore and stimulate motor ability.

Emotional Support

Conduct Disorders

We understand the importance of treatments for conduct disorders. We can help to decrease or eliminate many identified problem behaviors in the short-term, while at the same time, working towards the long-term goal of preventing children’s behavioral patterns from worsening. Our methods include positive reinforcement to increase appropriate behaviors and eliminating damaging behaviors. Our goal is to help parents learn how to help modify their children’s behavior, while providing a positive learning environment. To ensure success, close coordination between therapist and parents is pivotal. The consistent reinforcement of treatment by parents/caregivers during everyday family situations is crucial to continuous improvement.

Behavior therapy for children with conduct disorders is based on science-based learning theory. Behavior patterns are often learned behaviors, and inappropriate behaviors can be unlearned.

LASSEN ABA BUILD (Building Up Infant Learning Daily)

Parenting is the toughest, most rewarding job on the planet—it comes down partly instinct and lots of web surfing. Your neighbor’s advice, the latest book, and the googling key words and phrase alone are not enough to address your child’s unique developmental challenges.  At LASSEN ABA, we take an individual and holistic approach to children’s development. We look at how your child relates to others, communicates, and plays with other children. If there is a concern, we create a personalized program to bridge their developmental gaps. Our play-based programs are designed so that children are learning while playing. Parents learn new strategies and ways to engage their child in the comfort of their home.  As the African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child” and we look forward to joining your village with the support of our child development specialists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, behavior analysts, and family therapists.

Evidence-based research affirms Early Intervention programs are most effective when:

  • Implemented in the home or a natural setting
  • Start as soon as the delay or disability is identified
  • Parent/caregiver actively participates in the intervention

Assessments for Infants and Toddlers

LASSENABA expert early intervention clinical team uses a whole child approach to assess the development of children ages birth to 36 months. A whole child assessment means working closely with families, caregivers, and/or schools to capture formally and informally children’s individual development across the five developmental domains: social socials, self-helps skills, communication skills, (expressive and receptive), cognitive skills, and motor skills (fine and gross). Our comprehensive assessments provide a baseline for measuring developmental delays and identifies areas of need. Through the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team, an individualized treatment plan is created to close gaps in development and bring out the child’s fullest potential.

In-School Educational Services

School Support

Behavioral support helps improve the student’s overall performance and experience in the classroom, the changes introduced carry over into

Social Coach

A home-based Social Coach addresses social skills and peer interactions with siblings, cousins, neighbors, or peer play dates. These skills carry over to the school 

the homework routine, family life, and social interaction. Our shared goal is to ensure that the student is emotionally rewarded when they succeed in academic, family, and community settings.

environment. Social coaching in the home, or during the summer, establishes a solid foundation to bring to school and helps to ensure social success.

In-Home Educational Services

Homework Coach

For academic progress to occur, children need to develop a successful and positive homework routine. Support by a Behaviorist is offered to create a homework routine to improve attention, self-direction, and become at ease and independent. Our clinicians identify specific motivations, and behavior challenges that present obstacles to progress. A specifically-designed program plan is created for each student by a LASSEN ABA specialist to help transform the homework routine into a successful one.

Social Coach

A social coach whether on the playground, in the cafeteria, the classroom or other places where peer interaction occurs can help the student practice appropriate social skills and gain confidence. Having guidance during peer interaction promotes A healthy change in the way students experience their peers. A trained social coach knows how to blend in with the social environment, making their presence minimal and non-intrusive, while providing the support the student needs to engage in successful social interaction.

In-Center Educational Services

LASSEN ABA offers programs administered by professional clinicians designed to enhance emotional and behavioral skills, improve social skills, and provide structure and support during the summer months. The teacher benefits by receiving specific instructions that expand their own skills may help with other students.  The therapist’s involvement in the learning support program significantly improves communication between service providers and increases the number of practice opportunities.

Daily Living Skills Programs

Adaptive Skills Training

Through the utilization of ABA techniques and strategies, children and individuals are taught: self-care (taking medicine, bandaging a cut), self-help (personal hygiene), independent living skills, functional communication, social relational,


In-home ABA therapy provides your child with the opportunity to learn skills in the natural environment and takes into account environmental triggers and family dynamics. Therapy can also take place in the community or school environment depending on your child’s needs.

 and safety practices within the home and community environment. Deficits in adaptive skills are often associated with the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It often becomes apparent when a child or individual exhibits difficulty engaging in or completing day-to-day routine tasks.


The part-time and full-time program is available on a six to ten-week cycle. The curriculum addresses behavior management, emotional development, personal self-care, skill-building, prevocational and vocational development.


Social Skills Group

  • Being able to read the environment
  • Listening skills
  • Reciprocal conversation
  • Flexibility and cooperation
  • Using and reading appropriate body language
  • Making eye contact
  • Initiating and responding to interactions with peers
  • Responding to interactions from others
  • Taking turns
  • Understanding facial expressions
  • Building friendships
  • Expressing and understanding emotions

The ability to connect and make friends is critical for the emotional and social development of children, teens, and young adults.  We help them to become comfortable in uncomfortable, and respond to peers more naturally, with greater ease and social awareness.

Through the use of modeling, role playing, and game play, participants are introduced to a variety of social skills necessary for positive relationships with peers.

The skills taught help establish and maintain meaningful relationships.  Some examples of social skills targeted for interventions are:

In our young adult groups, focus is on Social Skills in the Workforce and Dating & Relationship Skills.

Our groups are not intended only for those on the autism spectrum, they are also appropriate for those with ADHD, anxiety, depression, or other social and emotional challenges. Each group session is designed to address a specific area of social interaction.

Parent Training

Parent Coaching

There are many challenges that get in the way of being an effective, wise and loving parent. Often anger, frustration, or sense of helplessness come up when dealing with a child’s challenging behaviors.  We understand parenting can be a struggle. Trying to deal with any one

Parent Training

The role of parents and family members is integral to the success of treatment. The parents and caregivers of children who are experiencing behavioral issues or cognitive challenges, whether with a diagnosis or not, have different life experiences,

 of these factors can prevent us from being the parent we really want to be.

 and we work closely with you to ensure you have the support you need. Families are encouraged to participate fully in the treatment program; you are the most valuable members of the treatment team.

At LASSEN ABA, we have found that wherever children or young adults have developmental challenges, they can make remarkable progress if their environment accommodates their needs and reinforces the treatment they receive. This is true regardless of diagnosis. LASSEN ABA provides training primarily in the home, which is the most effective and natural environment in which we learn.